Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What have I been doing since I've been home? That's a very good question. Wait. What was that? You didn't ask that question? Well, who cares, I'm going to answer that one.

Not much. That's the short and sweet answer. I've taken up some hobbies like painting and doing P90X (yes, the exercise routine that has hurt me in places I didn't even know could hurt). I've actually started writing a short story. I also have a Church calling, and I want to finish my Duty to God thing. On the weekends I like to take long walks on the beach and have romantic dinners. Not really. Though a beach is nearby now and amazingly awesome. I've also made a few videos (one of Lights, one for LightsArmy, and one for k.A. Applegate as part of their presentation to show to Scholastic in August about Animorphs. in case you did not know, scholastic is planning to re-release Animorphs next spring/summer. yay, another childhood obsession resurrected from the dust!).

The biggest thing I've done is catch up on tv series. Heroes (LOVE LOVE. really really like Hayden Panettierre, haha. Peter Petrelli is pretty kewl too. I hate that schizo girl, she scares me. Sylar is really kewl too for a bad guy. I hate mohinder. and Hiro is hilarious.), Avatar (I ended up really liking the series. Its got some deep stuff in there relating to human relationships), and the Guild (Felicia Day is my heroine). But one of the best ones is the Office.

I had only caught a few episodes here and there before and loved it, but now, with the power that is Netflix, I can watch everything. And from watching the Office, I've learned a few valuable lessons about life.

1. Its not about salary or pay. Its about the people you work with. I would love to work with michael scott, even if he is a bully or a jerk. I would love even more to work with Josh and play CoD all day. The Office has helped me to understand that a job can be fun, full of pranks, jokes, and awkward moments. Emphasis on awkward moments.

2. Office life is going to be full of interesting and weird people. If Dwight was my desk buddy I would be both intimidated, and curious. The Office has also taught me that everybody can be more interesting if you have a camera following them around all the time. :)

3. Most importantly, Jim has taught me something special. See, I've been getting something wrong all this time. You don't pull pranks on your friends. You pull pranks with your friends. Your friendships only go so far when your friend is on the receiving end. The right way to do it is to find a common enemy and pull pranks on them together, thus ensuring that your friendships are strengthened and become endearing through the bonding feeling of owning someone; together. Then later, you can cherish those memories by giving them a present at Christmas full of inside jokes and pranks. Thank you Jim for helping me see the light of day. And for giving me loads of ideas. haha

See, now if I only I had known this back in Chinese class..... hmmm.....

Anyway. TV is great.


  1. Steven, you are the male version of me. Pretty much. Instead of p90x, I'm doing cardio tae bo, which is nearly the same.

    I love Heroes. Everything you said about it, I say AMEN BROTHA, AMEN. And The Office is just beautiful.

    Let's find a common enemy, and pull pranks together. Thus cementing our friendship, and causing lots of romantic tension for those around us, until one day you give up your job playing CoD and take me out to dinner, hiding our relationship from everyone, until one day, Michael finds out about it, and it is leaked to the world.

    Luke might not approve of that.

  2. aww Steven! Reading this post has made me miss you more! And the office is a great show
