Monday, August 24, 2009

This Time Last Year

Found a journal entry from August 30th, 2008. Thought it was funny. Its about adjusting back to life after the mission. HAHA

"My life to normalcy was considerably sped up by Brother David Watts, and Professor Torrey Dickinson, founders of the '3 Week Accelerated Program' designed to help returning missionaries adjust back to life. Thank goodness for them taking me into their wing and showing me the ropes. David showed me how to waste time, and Torrey showed me how to reverse some of my mindset, haha. I'm not going to lie, they did help me a lot. After 2 weeks break I came back to raise my poor grades of a C-, and B.

Let's just say, it's harder than it looks and passing with flying colors wasn't the exact term for my grades. The hardest thing was [not] not feeling weird when girls touched [me], but what to do back [after they did]. I found myself in many a circumstance of just smiling this awkward smile. Then again, that's me. That's why I had a C-.

They taught me how to stay up late, sleep in, lounge around, approach girls, set up dates, and even watch movies. In the course of that time I also was alone without a companion, watched TV, swam in a pool, played video and computer games, entered Wal-Mart post-mish, approached girls, and many other firsts. It was a time of freakish- no bars hold, fun. However, even Watts and Dickinson couldn't teach me everything.

Enter Miss Desiree Gahr, fresh graduate out of high school, only seventeen, and ready to take on the world. An educator and psychologist on the subject of women. There came a point where Torry admitted they could go no further. In the short time I was Miss Gahr's pupil I learned a lot. Not enough to know everything, oh no. Definitely not. Not even enough to take on the world. But I did gain a few pointers. "


  1. nope, he is still serving. he is done in abt two months. but now he's not in chile bc of some passport problems he will finish in peru, and he's serving in the zone i work

  2. yeah. well not all the time. just a glimpse on mondays and wednesday...meaning tomorrow. idk . it's weird not being able to hug him !!

  3. and you changed the name of your blog, again

  4. yeah, it's worth it. You have no idea how many things I'm learning right now, scriptures are awesome I just have to say it !
