Friday, August 21, 2009

Women in the Church

"Women do have power in the Church! That power comes from knowing who they are and what they must do. That power comes from a provided anchor and direction in life. How can others say our women are enslaved, when they are themselves enslaved in addictions, confusion, lack of direction, and unhappiness? They are better than those who drink and party and don't know what they are doing, but catering to lusts, passions, and instincts and become nothing more than the sum of those feelings. That's not freedom or power! That's regression and imprisonment!"

When I hear the girls in the ward answer questions and bear testimony it always touches my heart to feel how strong they are. People think that the women in our Church are tied down by traditions and fashions of the past. But its not true. By fulfilling what God wants them to do, they become more self-aware, more confident, and thus they become stronger. Who says they aren't smart, or independent, or self-motivated? There is a drastic difference in aura between a girl who has the love of God and sharing that love, and a girl who indulges in the worldly things.


  1. how touching my dear friend. yeah i don't think there's nothing wrong about my entry. I can share it with all the world, but the elder of course. XD ... what do you mean by sharing a lot?

  2. ohh yeah, i was very happy then. I'm still very happy indeed. And I'm gonna be enjoying this 4 months for sure.

  3. and you just let me know now? that's mean of you, you should've saved me a piece. u'll have to buy me a piece when i get back
