Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So. Things have been quiet relatively. Nothing much going on here. I don't know what to say these days anymore. Besides, now I have FOUR blogs. YES. Count that! That's not even including my xanga and ign video game blogs. Gah. Man i do love to write sometimes don't I? :)

I'm also realizing that I have trouble letting people get close to me. As soon as someone gets too close I tend to push them away. i don't know why that is. MAYBE, it's people like Allena who completely blindsided me with what she did. But. That's over. And now I gotta deal with Brianne. And myself.

I've been in a self-reflecting mood lately, trying to understand myself better, and I know that that involves God at some point or other. As mentioned previous, what really motivates me? Why am I afraid of getting close to people? Am I actually a hard person to get along with? Where did I come from and where am I going? Jay kay on that last one.

1 comment:

  1. You are most definitely not a hard person to get along with, Steven!!
