There's this game called werewolf. It is awesome. Its like mafia. But more fun because it adds additional roles into the game. We played the first round regularly, and kept adding more roles each round (and more and more people kept joining, so it kept getting crazier). The roles we added each round were the following:
Seer: the seer is like the sheriff in mafia and gets to pick one person while everyone is asleep to ask the narrator if that person is a wolf or not. The narrator will indicate yay or nay. The tricky part is for the Seer to play his part well to help the villagers guess the werewolf guess correctly without revealing himself (or the werewolves might target him/her next).
Little girl: Honestly, i hated this character. What the little girl gets to do is look while the werewolves are making their selections on who to kill. The little girl has to be sneaky about it, or else if the werewolves catch her they can kill her off instantly. The little girl is kinda like the seer in that she needs to help the villagers catch the wolves without revealing herself.
Witch: The witch is like the nurse in mafia except she has a heal potion and a death potion. She gets a turn where the narrator tells her who is going to be killed and she can choose to heal that person, do nothing, or kill someone else with her potion. She only has one potion though. The interesting part is, if the seer or little girl reveals themselves, the witch can then protect them for one round with the heal potion while they find the werewolves.
Captain: the captain is elected before the first round begins. This person is the vocal leader of the group, and gets 1.5 votes as a person to break ties. If the captain is killed, he/she elects a new captain (which makes it interesting when they don't know who the werewolf is).
Cupid: The cupid gets a turn in the first round (while everyone is asleep) to pick two people to be lovers (they can pick themselves if they want to). Then the cupid goes to sleep and the lovers open their eyes (the narrator makes it known who the lovers are). During the daytime, the lovers and cupid can reveal themselves if they want to. What happens with the lovers is that if one lover dies, the other lover dies with him/her (making for interesting combinations).
Hunter: The hunter gets to kill someone else (or not) when he/she dies. They can choose whomever.
Thief: the thief gets a turn in the first round where they can choose to steal another person's role/ability or an unused role. If he/she steals another person's role, than that person whose role is stolen gets the unused role.
So this made for some interesting games. In the first game, Mary and Rachel killed everyone (with me being the first person to be killed). I couldn't trust Mary after that.
There was another round where Owen was elected captain and was also the werewolf. I was cupid, and made Mary and Owen lovers. Well, what I didn't realize was that Mary was also a Seer(or Sheriff). We wanted Mary to use her ability and see if Owen was a werewolf, and in order to protect the seer's identity we told the seer to not say anything if Owen was innocent. Well...since Mary knew Owen was her lover, she protected him, unknowingly, also protecting the werewolf. In the end, the werewolves decided to kill Owen (Owen being a werewolf himself decided to do it), and took down Mary with her, leaving Jason as the werewolf winner. (They could have alternatively decided to kill Jason, leaving both Mary and Owen to be the winners).
Rebecca was werewolf like three times, and she played her parts well though it was hard for her to lie. But she was hard to read, and once I actually defended her when she was a werewolf since she was eliminated first or second in the first three rounds innocently. haha.
I was also accused a ton, but was innocent each time. The one time I was werewolf, I committed suicide and revealed myself to preserve my truth-telling reputation.
The game had so much argument, lying, and logic that it was actually really fun. One time, Steve was going to use his death potion on me because he was convinced I was a werewolf. Well, the werewolves attacked him that night and he had to use his health potion to save himself. Oddly enough, this convinced him that I was not the werewolf because he said a smart werewolf would have killed someone else and let him use his death potion on me killing two villagers in one night.
The best was probably the last round where the captain was also cupid and actually made him and his wife lovers. However, his wife was the thief, and used her ability to become a werewolf. We did not realize, and the captain himself did not realize, that there was a third werewolf until we killed the second werewolf and there was 5 people left. The captain, still convinced that his wife/lover was innocent, asked the seer to reveal Rachel if she was a werewolf. He had asked the Seer to reveal Mary the previous round. She was a werewolf, and that eliminated the second, and presumably, last werewolf. However, it got interesting, because the seer and captain both realized who the third werewolf was at the same time, and the captain, realizing he would die if the werewolf died, began using his voting powers to kill the other 3 innocent people. Rachel died that night, using her last potion the round before to save the Seer. The villagers than targeted me, but the Seer, knowing that I was the hunter, and that I would kill the captain if I had a choice, went along with the votes and killed me. I then shot the captain, who died, and whose lover, the werewolf, also died, leaving the Seer victorious.
Yeah, the game was intense at times. But I really really enjoyed it, mainly because for me I was able to deduce most of the time who the werewolves were or come close. And it was played by the right people, the right crowd. Loved it. lots of yelling, accusations, defending (I loved Owen's defense, "I hate little girls" or his reason for why he should be captain "I rock"), lots of brain power being generated, lots of complexities, the room just felt alive and pulsating with how much we genuinely were thinking about the game. Don't know how to explain, just the right crowd and, despite all the arguments, a pretty clean and no ill-will game, with fun personalities.
note for myself on what I want to write next:
-Which songs that remind me of people and places
-capitalism, workplace alienation, and World of Warcraft and how they are connected