But its good to know that I'm doing all right every once in a while. For the past month and a half two of my mom's friend's daughters have been living in the U.S. (they're from Taiwan). And yesterday they returned home, but before they did they gave us all gifts and a few parting words. One of the girls wrote that, again, I was too nice and to watch myself. I thought "great, yeah, its not like I don't know how to take care of myself. Do I?" haha. but then she continued and explained that she recently had a falling out with her boyfriend back in Taiwan and that I had helped her through this trial because even though I hadn't known about what was happening, I gave her hope that there were still nice guys left in the world. And also that if she ever found a guy like me in Taiwan she would marry him.
And its interesting that in saying that she helped me. Every once in awhile I wonder if people actually want me to be less nice. Like maybe it is a bad thing. But its good to know its still all right. And who knows. Maybe I will evolve into a jerk later on in life and everyone will regret it. haha. But I think I'm good for now.