Monday, September 27, 2010


Do you believe in fate or destiny? I don't. Not really. But I do believe that there is some sort of vague plan that gives us a mission in life. I don't share that part of my thoughts very often.

There is a pattern that's been appearing lately in my life. Specifically, it appears in blessings and setting aparts.

My patriarchal blessing, like many other patriarchal blessing, talks specifically about some of my future plans. When I received it and heard it my initial thought was, "awesome. that would be cool to do one day". I didn't think much of it.

However, in the two years since I've been home from my mission I've become increasingly aware of it. That is, increasingly aware that somehow, in some way, the events in my life now are preparing me for what is going to happen decades down the road.

When I was set apart for a calling this past spring, the stake president uttered some interesting things. For example, one of the things he mentioned was to build friendships in the ward with the young women specifically. I thought that was rather odd that it was repeated with an emphasis on the young women in the ward. That part played itself out and I see the reasoning behind it now. However, the one thing that really caught me off guard was that he began mentioning things about my future. And it was just weird to hear him mentioning things that sounded like it had nothing really to do with my calling at the moment. And he started mentioning things that fit perfectly with what my patriarchal blessing had talked about. Freaky in a way if you didn't realize what was going on, and trust me, there was no way this guy who I had never met could have known what my patriarchal blessing entailed.

As such, I've started shaping my future to fit into what I think is God's plan for me. It's interesting in a weird way, watching events unfold in the world or things in your life working it's magic that have an impact on you because you know that if you're worthy and just do your best, eventually you will end up at a specific event or time or place mentioned in some words someone spoke to you when you were 19.

Yeah. Destiny. Or rather...preordination I guess.

1 comment:

  1. It's like those movies that show the ending, and then start over from the beginning, and everything unfolds...
    Or like that movie Paycheck. Man I love that movie.
