Sunday, September 12, 2010

pretty much awesome

Boy. I completely forgot about my New Year's Resolution. I mean, the spiritual stuff is all right, but it could be better. I really need to stop eating so much. I don't know what it is, but lately, I've been eating a TON. Dating is still pretty much awesome. I need to get back on track to being more organized most def.

I also want to add a new goal. i need to smile more specifically at strangers. I have this habit of staring at people when they look at me or when I'm just walking around in general. The problem with that is when I don't express emotion people think I'm mad or sad or angry. People have actually come up to me to say that I look scary. One of my friends' dad said he thought I was a gangsta once when I went to pick her up. So yeah, I pretty much look like this. without the haircut.

I have a hard time smiling at strangers because I feel like I look like an idiot. I don't want to come off looking too happy, but I don't want to come across as disinterested as some people's smiles can be. Ya know, the half-way smile where you don't show any teeth and you smile. You think you're smiling but all you're doing is this . Smiling without the eyes. And it looks weird. Some people can pull it off. but not me. I don't think I can.

That's what I want to work on. That and actually maintaining eye contact. Some days I'm all right with it. Some days I hate it. And saying "hi". With guys, I just give the nod. But with girls, sometimes I give an awkward half-wave (i couldn't find a picture of it, but I did find this which is close) and I want to say hi, but my "hi's" always come out so girly. I was actually proud of myself the other when this girl walked by and said, "hi" and I managed a very manly "hey". Or last night when this girl walked by where I was sitting and smiled and I managed a pretty decent flash back. Uusually, I'm too shy to even maintain eye contact long enough to fire one off, but I'm getting better.

One day, I may finally be as good as this guy, but for now I'm going to make it a goal.




    Yes, I do that girly "hi" all the time... >_>

    I also do the half smile but my teeth tend to show, BUT THAT ALSO MEANS, my saliva also shows (because I'm thinking about eating people, LOL j...k...)

    I wanna be able to smile more also.

    And another thing, when I was going to Cypress this one time, this girl was riding on a bike and she was smiling like it was the best day of her life, and this other guy on a bike rode past her and looked at her like: "What the world was that?"

    I think it's kinda funny that humans aren't used to seeing people happy.

    Thanks for the awesome entry.

  2. You totally have a still from my favourite show (Fawlty Towers) which stars John Cleese (who is probably my favourite comedian ever).

    You're awesome.
