Sunday, September 19, 2010

Up, Up, and Away

I'm starting to discover how friendships and the lifetime of a friendship is circular. They come and they go. Some stay longer than others, some are just a quick blip, a fun filled, pleasure-packed moment of greatness. Like chocolate really. Good for a few moments, but not filling. And no matter how hard I try sometimes it's inevitable. Maybe it's because I've moved around quite a bit in my life that instability is something I'm used to. Maybe that's why I have some commitment issues.

Maybe that's why the Gospel is something I and many others cherish. It's something that doesn't change. Maybe that's why the prospect of eternity is both appealing and appalling to me.

Maybe this is why people like celebrities and why I admire her. Because we can imagine them being our friends and never leaving us. And if they do, or if we do, there's really nothing big in detaching from them because there was no real substance in the first place.

Except for Asia and Ashleigh (and Mike and Luke, but I never count them because I just assume they'll be there, haha), I don't talk to any of my close friends from two years ago. Breanne and Katie are married, Lauren's graduated, Liz is on her mission.

And the pattern is repeating for this year. Friendships from last year (especially Chinese 101) are slowly fading into the background, repeating a familiar pattern, being replaced by new faces. I expect the trend to continue not because I want it to, but because it happens. And it's odd because you've shared so many memories together. Sometimes even deep memories.

Sometimes it's just because life happens. Things happen. Missions happen. And sometimes you just stop getting along.

I think she said it best.

We are rockets in the sky. We are planets passing by.


  1. Yay Lights! I hope I stay close to my close friends too! I've had wayyy to many fade-friendships in my life.
    Up up!

  2. You know I'm not going anywhere.

    On a side note, I need your help with something. Let me know when you've got some spare time.
