Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What is Beautiful is Good

There's this phenomenon in social psychology called something like "What is beautiful is good". Basically, humans have a tendency to believe that a beautiful person automatically equates to goodness, niceness, and sweetness without actually knowing the person. Something like "oh, she's not the kind of girl to do something like that!" when we don't even know the person that well.

I admit that I fall for that real easily. Add to that the fact that I'm naive when it comes to figuring out people's dispositions, the fact that I always see the good in people and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and the fact that the gift of discernment has always been my weak point and you just get the worst sucker this side of the hemisphere.

However, from my own personal experience, it's ironic that often times the prettiest girls have also been the nicest to me, and the less attractive are actually the ones that are complete jerks and who act very rude. I don't know what it is. Maybe cause I try to date them? I don't know.

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