Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Darn You Lights

Darn you Lights you did it again. Many times when I have a major reflection her song is somehow in the background. Perhaps it's destiny that Lights' music would illuminate these times in my life. Perhaps it's because God wills it that way. Perhaps it's because I listen to her so darn much. Darn you Lights.

What exactly happened? Well, one of my best friends called me and told me he just got engaged. SWEET! Especially since I played a part in bringing them together. Ka-Ching. Pretty kewl huh? Impressed? Yeah, thought so. My match-making skills are just that impressive. (though an argument could be made that Starcraft did it's part too. Ya know. since it brought Luke and I together. What? Don't judge, one of your bf's came from WoW. YEah. That's right. What now?).

I told my friend that this new fact would only hit me a little later as most big, life-altering things do. But as we ended the call and I hung up a familiar tune played itself out. Oh no? Oh yes. It was Lights' "Last Thing on Your Mind" and it hit me like the feeling when you realize you just forgot to take a midterm last week or, since maybe that doesn't apply to many people but me, the like the feeling of realization that you just moved into a new place away from other people. A sudden realization that things are different and that life has once again shifted. A new era is beginning, and things will never be the same anymore. Again.

Yeah, I admit I'm a big sucker for nostalgia so things like this carry extra potency. However it makes me think. Maybe I should take marriage more seriously and stop just dating for fun. I mean, I never really dated with the intention of getting married. Sure, I would have loved a relationship, but even in those instances it never played out in my mind of culminating in marriage. In my life where I straddle (ok, sorry, weird word choice there) two worlds there is one aspect where I am still young and there is no pressure.

But like i said, the times, they are a changin. And like before, somehow, Lights' songs have always been the one prompting me to feel a certain way and think certain things. Here we go again. ... This should be fun.


  1. Thank you Steven, for bringing us together. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on video games. :)

    I love you.

    And I promise, you two can play all the Starcraft you want. Things won't be that much different.

  2. Congrats to your friend, but it is startling news sometimes. Good luck on your new perspective on dating, good luck to us all! haha. And music is amazing
