Thursday, November 19, 2009


Be you. Don't change. Improve. But if who you are is not who God wants you to be, then its not being happy. Its being comfortable.

In this journey through life we must not forget what the end goal for all of us is: exaltation.

We can get caught up in the little intricacies of life, but in the long run, in the "eternal scheme of things", a lot of attention paid to little trivial things could derail us from our goal. With callings, jobs, work, school, careers, family, friends, and dating and all the little things that go along with it we often get frustrated too much. But there is always hope, there is always another day.

If we stay close to the Holy Ghost we can feel at peace, even if the world is unfair or doesn't make complete sense. Everything will sort itself out if we stay close to God, love everyone, and hold no feelings of pride in our hearts. I have to learn to forgive faster, overcome my own feelings of inadequacy, and be more pure in my intents and motives. If I try for these things, even if things don't go my way, or EVEN if things or people that should be righteous aren't, I can feel no offense toward no one and to myself. Even if people that should be honest accuse you of things, you can respond with charity, disarming situations. But the fortitude to respond in such a way, and to do it consciously, takes a strong foundation. Be who God wants you to be, and you'll need no one else's opinion.

If you wonder what it takes to get the richest, most awesome prize in life, then you don't have to wonder much. What it takes is enduring joyfully all the challenges this life gives us and to just enjoy life. The reward is eternal life. And not just eternal life. But an eternal family.