Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So. I think my praying for opportunities of service is landing me bigger and bigger chances to prove myself. Today, I found a cellphone and texted some people in it to find the owner. Met with them about an hour later. They looked so cute, like 3 little kids creeping up to a celebrity to get his autograph. Just huddled and hesitant. I shoulda put my number into her phone. Oh boy, that would have been gutsy but I would have done it had I thought of it sooner. XD

Anyway, I'm starting to realize a bad habit of mine. I tend to push away the people I love the most. When this is family, I close up about my feelings to them, sometimes because I don't want to burden them and sometimes because I actually want them to care. With girls that I'm interested in, it creates a problem because as soon as I feel close enough to them that I feel they could hurt me emotionally, I distance myself. This creates an odd cycle of an awkward relationship. This is my problem right now. And I think the girl I'm doing this to is getting frustrated with my behavior and I'm noticing it by her body language. Maybe she can just get a boyfriend so I can move on. HAHA.


  1. seems like you really like pirates.
    p.s: you should ask that girl to be your girlfriend instead ;)

  2. yeah i know!!! it must be amazing to preach the gospel everyday! i didn't really know that until yesterday that I felt the spirit so strong, I loved doing it. And definetely your testimony grows faster, and gets stronger.

    you are so lucky you went on a mission. I don't know yet if I'll serve one, but I know that I will try to find more opportunities to bear my testimony with ppl that need the gospel in their lives.
