Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Stuff I've learned a few lessons. If you like someone, you better tell them fast or you'll end up breaking their heart if nothing works out. The sooner you find out the better to save yourself the heart ache and not plunge in any deeper into something that's not going anywhere. Thinking that its better to let it go along. Especially when the other person thinks nothing of it. If you prolong, it hurts even more. See what happens when you do it early is then you have your heart ripped out. But at least then you can move on faster without holding on to any hope. You can truly move on and meet new people and meet someone who is better. And I would love to stay friends, but I realize from experience that, while on my part its all normal and run of the mill stuff, to you its heart breaking and I understand if you would rather delete me from your life. Then you can truly move on. And if I'm really a good friend, I would let you do it because I know its one way of getting over it.

I did it freshman year. Now that girl and I are friends again after like three years.

Better to have not known that person at all than to prolong the heart break and illusion. At least that's what I think. I hate hurting people, and it sucks to be done to. For the sake of both, maybe its better then to not have crossed paths at all. ugh.

In other news....

I got my hair cut. And I don't like it at all. Ugh!



Ugh. I don't like it.

That's more like how I feel.


  1. Ahhh Steven, you look like a 10 yr old. I'm not gonna lie, it's not your best look. Maybe you should steal one of D-money's du-rags? I'm sure he wouldn't mind lending it out...and while you're at it dress up like a ninja and run a muck around Provo for me.

  2. Oh Bre, how I miss you! Don't worry Steven, it'll grow out in no time. And it's not bad. Different, yes. But not bad.

    P.S. I haven't seen you in like, a week. Not cool.
