Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My New Philosophy

I've realized something this past semester.

For this past year, I've been trying too hard to become what other people want me to be. Granted, its not always a bad thing. The people who love you genuinely care for you and want you to become a better person. Even they, sometimes though, forget that I am not they, and they are not me (yes, I totally butchered grammar there). I can't be them.

The result is there are moments when I've forgotten who I am. Not that I forgot that I'm a child of God, but that I've lost my identity of what makes me unique. Instead, I've tried to become more cool, more popular, more well-liked, more judgemental, less tolerating, and superior to others to please other people or to elevate myself.

I am me. There's no one else who can be me. I am genuinely nice. That's who I am. Sometimes I am too nice. But that's me again. i don't know why I'm that way. And sometimes people don't like it for whatever reason.

Besides, in emulating the Savior, nothing else quite matters as much.

Having said that, I can't go overbooard and force someone to love me for who I am. I can ask that they accept me for who I am, but nothing further than that. And that's ok.

However, I'm still trying to get better at being a good person. I just don't want to be turning away people simply because they aren't cool enough or because they don't fit my clique.

And that's my new philosophy. :)

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