Thursday, June 11, 2009

Interesting Night.

So. I wasn't going to blog about this until later...but...last night was interesting filled with numerous inside jokes. At the rate that we go, we'll be able to speak in our own language soon. hahaha.

The night started out pretty normal. Mike and I went to a jazz ensemble thing. Then we decided to get some food and park by Deseret Towers (our usual place of pondering and eating) until we saw the mass amount of EFY kids. We parked further away...until they came over and swarmed the car on their way out. One girl came by and said hi, and what's up, and attempted to give me a high five. We were talking about girls right before then, so after that "peace girl" left mike was like "well, there's your girl. Of course, you gotta give her a couple years cuz she's probably 16". hahaa. I just think she was kinda naive. I mean, what if we were there to kidnap? hahaha.

More inside jokes ensued.

(as we were giving luke date ideas)
Mike: You can carve a cave!
Luke: What?
Mike: Why write "luke plus so-and-so inside a heart on a tree" when you can carve a cave! Think of the bonding experience that will provide.
Luke: ....
Mike: Bears will hibernate in your symbol of affection.
me: especially in this economy.

Funny cuz Luke was talking about carving a cave back in Idaho to pass the time. haha.

Mike: Don't hate, particihate.

HAHA. what the? lol.

(getting a text)
Mike: This is can't be you two (me and Luke) cuz we're talking. so its either Jacob, or Katie. And if its Jacob he's texted "is there anything going on tonight?" Tell me, am I right?
Me: Your first guess was right. You're good
Mike: And what does it say?
Me: "Is anything going on tonight"?
Mike: Luke! This is my life now! So habitual! Where i can not just predict who's texting me, but what they text me!
Me: That's why Luke sends you random texts.
Mike: That's why I need you luke. I need your randomness, all I get from Steve is "here".
Me: Fine. I'll change it up. Maybe next time I'll text "aqui".


So later that night, i parked at Alta Apartments by the football stadium...and got booted. Ugh. So Mike and I walked home early in the morning, in the drizzle, to the south end of campus. On the way there we saw fireworks (for some odd reason), and got attacked by sprinklers. Crazy sprinklers!

The sucky part is i'm really low on money and it will cost $50 to get the boot off. In fact, I've been eating one meal a day to reserve my money. ....and now...I'm effectively in the negatives. So ....from one meal to zero meals a day. Well...weight losing time again...


  1. This was awesome! Please, always bring me along with you and Mike and Luke. Life just isn't the same without you guys.

    Don't just stop eating, please. I'll feed you. I don't mind. You don't have any weight to loose, anyway.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. losing weight? gosh steven, you are already too skinny . :)
    try and it apples then at least...
    i'd send you some from here but i think i can't .
    don't call the devil steven.

  4. hahaha. thanks Larissa.

    and ash, we shall bring you along!
